The modern CV in 2023

The modern CV in 2023

When was the last time applied for a job? Some years ago? Or you have never wrote a CV at all? Then you’ve got to read this! In this article, you’ll find out how to create a modern resume that meets today’s standards.

The job market has changed tremendously over the last 30 years. Job seekers used to have one application dossier, which was then sent to several employers and for several positions. Today, this is no longer acceptable: Positions vary a lot in different companies and industries. There might be similar skill sets needed for similar jobs, but the focus on specific skills and knowledge varies a lot.

How to tailor your CV to your dream job

Step 1: Analyze the job ad

Start with analyzing the advertised position. You need to understand exactly what skills are required and expected.

Step 2: Find suitable experiences

Consider which of your previous experiences enables you to meet the expectations that the job ad is asking for. These (and only these!) experiences you then explain in your resume – the more relevant the more details you can mention.

Our pro-tip: Grab a highlighter pen and highlight all the words in the job ad that are not generic, but specific skills. If you prefer to work digitally, download the ad or make a screenshot and highlight the words on your screen.

Then do the same on your CV.

The more the colored boxes on the two documents match, the better your experience meets the expectations. To increase your chance of getting an interview, make sure to not only have similarities in your CV, but use the exact same wording than the job description.

The correct structure of your CV

List your experiences chronologically and start with the most recent one. Your internship from 2005 is probably not the most important for the job you’re applying for so this one can go to the bottom.

Hobbies and interests: Special attention needed

Hobbies and interests are nothing new in a CV. It has been a common practice for a long time. What has changed is that you should now pay more attention to your hobbies fitting the job you’re applying for.

We interviewed recruiters and CEOs of different companies about this topic. Here are two examples:

For a sales position, recruiters don’t like to see applicants have hobbies that give the impression that they are shy and prefer to spend time alone. For a salesperson, it is important that the applicant is comfortable with speaking to people. A hobby like being part of a debate club would therefore leave a good impression on recruiters.

Also, some hobbies might be acceptable for one position but not for the other. An accountant who enjoys wandering around the lanes until late in the evening will have a hard time landing a good job. Supervisors will be afraid that they would show up at work tired or late. However, for a salesperson in the hospitality industry, enjoying a nice cocktail in a bar could be seen as an additional opportunity to generate leads.

You see, it all depends on the position, the industry and the specific company which hobbies and interests will make you interesting for the recruiter.

Creative CV design – yes or no?

Creativity in designing the CV has become more relevant these days. But how creative is too creative, and what is too dull?

Our surveys have shown that this is hugely industry-specific. While a creative profession such as marketing is allowed to go a bit overboard, less creative professions such as logistics or medicine should be kept more traditional. For more on this topic, check out our blog article about CV design.

The effort for a flawless CV is worth it

It’s highly recommended to create a unique CV for every job you apply for. Sounds like an enormous amount of work? Might be, but it’s certainly worth it.

According to our latest figures, the CV makes up 68 % of the application, while the motivation letter only makes up 22 % and certificates even only 10 %. Make your CV flawless and you’ll already have two-thirds of a good impression!

Let AI help you

If you want to save time and effort, you can simplify the CV writing process with free tools like Cubra. Thanks to Artificial Intelligence, the tool will create a version of your CV that perfectly matches your skills with the advertised position – within minutes! Read more about creating a CV with AI.

All you have to do to use Cubra is to enter your information heaps such as experiences, skills, education and hobbies. You need to do this only once and can then create an unlimited amount of perfectly tailored CVs.

Once you’ve added all your best strengths to your account you upload the job ad of your dream job. Cubra analyzes the text of the job ad and selects the most suitable experiences for a tailored CV. Design-wise, you choose from several CV templates that match the industry you’re applying for. Your customized CV is ready! Of course, you can do manual edits to it at any time.

Are PDFs still up to date?


These days everything is online. No matter if it’s a traditional Word document converted to a PDF or a document that has been generated as such with a modern tool in the first place – it’s always a PDF.

Every now and then you’ll see special applications such as videos. This may be a good idea, especially if it was asked for in the job ad. However, we recommend using special formats only in addition, not instead of a well-structured PDF.

Imagine that some recruiters have to look at several hundred applications for a position. Every CV that steps out of the norm will be extra work. In the worst case, submitting a video only can even lead to your application not being looked at at all.

So better rely on a good old PDF that is nicely structured and tailor-made for the specific job you are applying for.

We wish you the best of luck in finding your dream job!If you want to learn more about IA-generated CVs, visit